Promoting expertise in the hospitality sector through The NewGen Laundry Group 

The Client:

Established in 1918, family-owned business The NewGen Laundry Group works extensively with laundries to help improve efficiency and productivity while reducing overall costs. From manufacturers to suppliers and operatorsto the largest commercial laundries and international hotel chains The NewGen Laundry group is paving the way with its intimate knowledge in the hospitality and leisure industry.  

In 1995, NewGen grew to become one of the largest independent commercial laundries in the UK, working with a host of multi-national hotel leisure and manufacturing companies. NewGen provides in-depth laundry analysis including a 300-point audit of laundry operations, a detailed energy audit and utility infrastructure. This coupled with a schedule of recommendations and summary of potential savings means NewGen is the first port of call for those in the hospitality sector seeking quality laundry expertise.  

Until December 2015 NewGen was part of the Brilliant Paragon Group, the latter successfully acquired by The Clean Group.

The Challenge

NewGen wanted to consolidate its position as a leading voice in laundry expertise. Over a course of five years we aided NewGen’s goal through press and media relations targeting customer verticals to highlight that it was the spearhead in laundry management.

The Solution

We worked across a series of PR channels. One such channel was trade PR into the vertical sectors which was an integral part of the communications programme allowing us to build upon NewGen’s highly established reputation.  

Our work across the whole group of companies was complemented by our industry-wide representational work on behalf of the Textile Services Association (TSA). 

We focused across the board on a series of niche market offerings from commercial laundry management software to championing national issues including the conditions of NHS nurse uniforms 

The Results

Over our five-year relationship we have been proud to see this family run business thrive to become a leading voice among the leisure and hospitality sectors.  

  • Created an authoritative voice on laundry expertise 
  • Consolidated the high reputation of NewGen  
  • Through PR we spread the knowledge behind NewGen to a wider vertical market 

To find out how a PR strategy can position you as a leader in your industry